Use this secret Netflix growth formula

It’s time to drop some serious knowledge on you, to help you expand your brand and you’ll be learning from the legendary streaming media giant Netflix.
This game-changing strategy that I call the “Netflix Growth Accelerator”, took Netflix from a no-name DVD-by-mail service to a global streaming powerhouse.
So, let’s dive in and explore the three key steps that propelled Netflix to greatness.
💡Step 1: Identifying Major Pain Points
Netflix knew how to hit the mark by identifying the major pain points that their audience was dealing with.
Picture this:
No more driving to Blockbuster, fighting over the last DVDs and waiting in those never-ending lines.
Netflix flipped the script by mailing DVDs directly to your mailbox, bringing the movies right to your doorstep.
But they didn’t stop there.
They introduced the concept of a Movie Queue, solving the eternal question of “What do I watch next?”
You simply lined up your movies and Netflix made sure the next one was ready to roll.
And the cherry on top?
A monthly subscription that slashed costs, and solved their market’s biggest pain point: those dreaded late fees.
⚡So how does this apply to you?
Whether you’re hustling with your business or side gig, it’s crucial to dig deep and understand what your target audience despises most about your industry.
Block out distractions, dedicate quality time and find creative ways to solve those problems.
Trust me, this step is pure gold.
💡Step 2: Innovating with Technology
Here’s where most people miss the mark.
They get caught up in the hype of the latest tech trends, thinking it’s the ultimate fix-all solution.
And they try to skip to the “technology” phase first…
But nah, that “ain’t it, fam.”
Technology serves a few key purposes:
- Helps you do things faster
- Help you get do things easier
- Helps you do things at a lower costs
But before a brand can truly get the benefits of technology, it needs to already have identified and begin solving their customers problems (Step 1).
Netflix understood this game and AFTER they solved major industry pain points, they leveled up their tech game like bosses.
Picture this:
Netflix shifted from DVDs to Digital Streaming and that’s when the magic happened.
No more waiting for a DVD to arrive at your mailbox. Boom!
You could instantly watch your favorite movies.
And forget being tied down to DVD players.
Nah, fam.
Netflix liberated you, allowing you to enjoy movies from anywhere with a decent internet connection.
Oh, and did I mention the cost savings?
By going digital, Netflix waved goodbye to shipping fees, packaging fees, and the costs of replacing lost or damaged DVDs.
Talk about stacking big paper!
⚡Action Steps?
So, once you’ve cracked the code on your customers’ biggest pain points and come up with killer solutions, it’s time to explore how technology can take you to the next level.
RESIST skipping straight to this step.
Look for ways to make things faster, easier, and cheaper for your customers and your brand.
That’s how you stay ahead of the game, my friends.
💡Step 3: Creating Your Own Products
Now, this step might surprise you.
Most brands jump straight into creating their own products, but that’s not necessarily the smartest move.
Unless it’s quick and inexpensive to make, hold up and take notes
Netflix didn’t rush into creating their own content.
They played it smart and leveraged other companies’ stuff to make bank.
Only after innovating their way to the top did they start producing their own “Original Content” that solidified their place in the industry.
But here’s the secret sauce:
they didn’t just guess what content to make.
Nah, they went straight to the source—their customers.
They analyzed the data from their vast customer base to figure out the most popular genres, sub-genres, actors, and storylines.
It was like having a crystal ball to know exactly what their audience wanted and needed.
⚡So, here’s your action step:
Dive deep into your customer data.
Take a look at what they’re buying the most and showing the most interest in. Let that data be your guiding light when it comes to deciding your next move.
Your customers hold the key to your success, so pay attention and listen closely.
By tapping into their preferences and interests, you can align your products and services with their desires.
It’s like having a direct line to their hearts and minds.
Don’t just guess or follow trends blindly.
Use the power of data to make informed decisions and deliver exactly what they crave.
Wrapping it up
Remember, my friends, the Netflix Growth Accelerator isn’t just about Netflix.
It’s a blueprint for success that you can apply to your own creative endeavors.
- Start by identifying the pain points in your industry and devising innovative solutions.
- Embrace technology as a tool to enhance speed, ease, and cost-efficiency.
- And when the time is right, create your own unique offerings based on customer data and insights.
Now, I know this journey isn’t easy.
It takes dedication, hustle, and a commitment to excellence.
But if there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout my own career, it’s that greatness comes to those who dare to think differently and push the boundaries of what’s possible.
So, it’s time to step up, take charge, and make your mark.
Embrace the spirit of the Netflix Growth Accelerator and let it propel you towards your wildest dreams.
Trust your instincts, trust the data, and trust in your ability to create something extraordinary.
Peace and Love,
Jesse “From No-name to Netflix” Young El